Thursday, December 22, 2011

Inspirations and updates: graduation and Run,Rabbit

I'm about a week away from putting out the first issue of Run, Rabbit (you can read more about the project here, or at the website It's exciting, but I'm already bouncing with ideas for the second issue and impatient to get started!

In other semi-related news, I now have a pretty piece of paper assuring me I made it through a Bachelor of Journalism with Distinction, which is lovely.

Just for kicks, here's a token graduation photo.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Feature: 'New Year's Peeve' for Biscuit Magazine Issue 15

I really hate fireworks.

Read the article online here

Let’s try a little experiment. I want you to picture a New Year’s Eve memory. Just go with the first that comes to mind. While we’re sharing, here’s mine. It was 2009, at one to midnight on the last day of December. At that moment, I stopped throwing up on a stranger’s porch and was swept up in the romantic New Year’s Eve kiss I’d been hoping for. Whether that anecdote is somewhat sweet or wholly revolting depends on your point of view. What’s a given is New Year’s Eve ending in disappointing laced with regret wrapped in vomit. You’ll have a better take-home memory of ringing in 2012 if you save yourself the jacked up taxi fares and fall asleep at 10:30pm watching re-runs of Jersey Shore. ‘But, Anna’, you say, ‘I’ve never thrown up on my own shoes’. Fine, fancy pants. Here’s a few perfectly valid reasons to boycott the celebrations.

Friday, November 11, 2011

News: various for QUT News on 4EB

Here's a link to various news packages I did for QUT News on 4EB 98.1 FM over the last week.

Unfortunately they're missing their newsreader intros, but the general gist remains.

Friday, September 30, 2011

News: 'October's veggie challenge' for QUT News

Friday 30 September 2011
October is shaping up to be the month to turn over a new leaf.
Australians are being challenged to go vegetarian from tomorrow, in time for International Vegetarian Week.
Anna Angel reports.
For the transcript and original story, see here.

News: 'Storms, strikes cause commuter chaos' for QUT News

Thousands of airline passengers have faced long delays across eastern Australia because of major storms and industrial disputes.
Anyone planning to fly over the next few days is advised to check times before going to the airport.
Anna Angel reports.
For the transcript and original story, see here.

News: 'Murdered Kiesha given proper burial', for QUT News

Wednesday 28 September 2011
Friends and family of murdered six-year-old Kiesha Abrahams have finally laid her to rest at a private funeral service in Sydney’s west.
Kiesha was reported missing from her Mount Druitt home in August last year.
Anna Angel reports.
For the transcript and original story, see here.

News: 'Custom workers strike over stalled pay negotiations' for QUT News

I've just wrapped up a week with QUT's TV web bulletin - very interesting and outside of my comfort zone.

I'll be posting up some examples of the work I did.

Custom workers strike over stalled pay negotiations

Thousands of custom and quarantine workers at international airports across the country walked off the job today protesting about stalled pay negotiations.
The union leading the work stoppages has apologised to passengers for any delays but says it had no other choice.

See the transcript and the original story here.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Feature: 'Kids on the Street' for Voiceworks Issue 86

The spring issue of youth journal Voiceworks, themed 'V' is out now. It features a piece I wrote on the changing educative goals of children's television and, in particular, that crazy phenomenon known as Sesame Street. I'll post up a scan when I get my hands on a copy, but for now - go out and buy it!

Here's a little sample:
"There’s a bear in there, and a chair as well. There are people with games, and if you grew up in Australia within the last 45 years you’ve probably heard the stories they have to tell. I spent my early childhood poorly recreating Benita and the Playschool gang’s craft projects with Clag glue and whatever I could get my hands on; family heirlooms, clothes or insects. Playschool holds the honour of longest-running Australian children’s program, second across all genres only to Four Corners, so I’d hazard a guess that my home wasn’t the only one unintentionally vandalised in afternoon creative frenzies. Nearing a half-century of air-time is no mean feat, and the gang have bought themselves a facelift to celebrate. The ABC re-launched the show’s iconic opening number with a more ‘modern’ sound in July, along with a shiny new interactive website. Then there’s the American educational revolution three years Big Ted’s junior. Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street? The average five-year-old from Brooklyn, Cairns or Bangalore could. They might tell you the fictional street is ambiguously set in New York, with speculation pointing to Manhattan’s west side. This Muppet empire now stretches to over 120 countries and has been a part of an estimated 80 million children’s early lives. It answers an impressive number of pub trivia questions such as ‘Which television show has received the most Emmy Awards?’ but it’s biggest achievement has to be staying on-air long enough to see its first viewers retire."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Review: BIGSOUND Live Part 2 for Mood of Monk

Read the original here.

Making my way down The Valley mall early on Thursday night, past the club blasting a cover of Wham’s ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’, past the pub crowd and onwards to Woodland, I was sceptical. Sceptical that BIGSOUND could deliver a night of equal quality to one before (see why here) and that conference-goers who had been shooting the musical shit since 9am Wednesday would have any energy left. An hour and a half later the event had sold out completely and there was egg all over my face.

Given the scores of ‘must-see’ new acts, fresh young faces and hyped radio favourites, you’d need a Harry Potter-style time turner to make the most of the experience. I don’t have one of those (yet), so I set out to simply cram in as much noise as possible. 

This is what I saw.

Review: BIGSOUND Live Part 1 for Mood of Monk

Read the original coverage here. I also shot and live tweeted the event; it was an awful lot of fun. 

“Is this the end or is it just beginning,” they sang and it felt right.

As Inland Sea wrapped up their opening spot at BIGSOUND’s live showcase in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley, it signalled the start of something big – for the night and for the talented young acts that would fill it.BIGSOUND is an industry conference that exists to talk about music and the people that make it. For those throwing themselves into the conversation, it’s a long and fulfilling three days. For two of those days, when the sun goes down, Australia and New Zealand’s up-and-comers emerge for show and tell.It’s a variety show for industry types, a block party across Brisbane’s entertainment precinct, and a heartening display of genuine talent. I know every crumb in every corner of The Valley, but I’ve rarely seen it as full of energy as it was last night. There are weekends where the streets groan under the sheer weight of people, where the music is oppressively loud and sweat hangs heavy in the air. What BIGSOUND brought was a true celebration of things to come, and a crowd united in a love of music.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Run, Rabbit

I've been a little quiet on the freelancing front and this is why: I've been working on a little magazine called Run, Rabbit that will be launching online in December. I'm getting so excited at the quality and range of pitches coming through from talented folk not just from Brisbane, but from around the country and the world. It will be quite a bit of work to get going, but it never feels like it when your heart is behind a project.

Run, Rabbit will cross culture with compassion, craft and creativity with community. I haven't been able to find anything quite like what I want to achieve: something that speaks to my playful side, but also makes me think, engaging me in issues larger than myself without compromising on intelligence or patronising me. Something that doesn't then try to sell me something or tell me how to do my hair this month. So, I decided to make it myself. No products, no fashion, no beauty, no god damn celebrities, no hipster-snobbery or intellectual elitism. Just ordinary people with extraordinary ideas or talent, thought-provoking pieces sharing space with the silly and the mundane. Writers who share their beliefs, thoughts and experiences without trying so damn hard to seem irreverent. This is what I want to read, and I don't think I'm the only one.

To follow Run, Rabbit's progress, visit or find us on Facebook or Twitter.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Feature: 'Parks to put the roses in your cheeks' for The Courier Mail

16 September 2011
Vital escapes in busy cities, our world-class green spaces give us plenty of fresh reasons to play and relax, writes Anna Angel.
A BREATH of fresh air does a world of good, so get a few lungsful tomorrow, on World Parks Day.
Whether you fancy a cheap and adventurous camping weekend in a national park, a romantic picnic on the foredunes, or a family barbecue in a city park, the choice across Queensland is limitless.
David Clarke, CEO of Australia and New Zealand's leading parks organisation, Parks Forum, says healthy parks lead to healthy communities.
``Not only do they contribute to physical health, but also to mental health: exposure to the natural world is therapeutic,'' he says.
Queensland University of Technology community space expert Dr Gillian Lawson says councils recognise the importance of harnessing our natural blessings. ``We've got a strong tradition of sporting groups using parks, but not of a diverse range of physical activities that are much more widely accessible than a cricket match,'' Dr Lawson says.
But she praised Brisbane and Gold Coast councils for providing locals with fresh reasons pull out the picnic hampers.
One example is Brisbane City Council's LIVE arts program, which will see parks across the city play host to a mix of free music events throughout September.
Another is the city's Active Parks series with free and low-cost activities in more than 50 of the city's parks. The program varies throughout the week and comes alive on weekends.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Updates and inspirations: looking back on FPS 2010

Before the new web team wipes everything we worked on last year, I thought I'd share some images and text from the 2010 Frock Paper Scissors site. It might not seem so important, but it's crazy to think every design element, every image and every word was dreamed up, coded, edited and fussed over by myself and the entire web team. It takes more work, and is much more satisfying when the final product comes together, than I ever realised. I only wish I could have continued with the site after the mammoth task of redesign.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Updates and inspirations: The Isthmus, moving on, and so on and so forth

This semester (my last!) I am working within a team on an intelligent online pop culture journal called The Isthmus. I've put my hand up to be editor, so I'll be work-shopping ideas, producing general content and subbing as well as contributing. I'm so grateful for another chance to work with talented, interesting people on a project close to my heart while I remain a student.

The FPS site is about to be taken over, and it will be interesting to see where they take it this year. I don't want to get too misty-eyed about it - it's on to the next one for me - but I'll be posting up some screen grabs of the pages and designs so there's a record of the work we did last year. I'm also eagerly awaiting some exciting bylines upcoming this September. I have written again for the next issue of Voiceworks, and have put together a feature on one of my pet loves - traditional tattooing - for the second issue of Vintage Affair zine. All in all it September is always a great time of year, especially if you live where I do. The weather is nice, Brisbane Festival and Big Sound (which I should be reporting on) are both upcoming and I just got my business cards in the mail, making me, for all intents and purposes, an actual human being. Hooray!

Feature: 'The people and stories behind Greazefest' for Seam Magazine

A write-up I wrote on the culture behind events like Greazefest and the people who live (and love) it. View the original here at Seam Magazine's shiny new website.

“You’ve got to lean over the car like this,” a well-dressed woman in her sixties calls out to me, before demonstrating a classic pin-up pose on a bright red 1950s hot rod. As I poorly attempt to mimic her moves, she yells quick-fix beauty tips at me. From the outside, Greazefest, which takes over Brisbane for one weekend each year, is a carnival of vintage cars, modern pin-ups and poodle skirts. As Seam Magazine discovered, it is more so a celebration of the people keeping the old school dream alive by living and breathing it year-round.

Greazefest, now in its twelfth year, may be one of longest running and largest rockabilly and kustom kulture festivals in the Southern Hemisphere, but it’s by no means the only. Devotees from all corners have a calendar of events to roll up to, from Coffs Harbour’s annual Wintersun festival, Victoria’s Bright Rockabilly Ink and Oil and New Zealand’s largest nostalgia festival, Beach Hop. Come Monday morning, when the last car has left in a trail of smoke and the sun set on the festivities, Australia’s most dedicated revivalists don’t simply re-join the 21st century and return to the office.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Feature: 'Always room for write stuff' for The Courier Mail

Always room for write stuff
Anna Angel

Weekend writers' groups and workshops are ideal for being exposed to new ideas and networks, writes Anna Angel

ARE you a closet scribbler or a weekend pen-wielder? They say writing is a solitary profession, but don't quit your day job and retreat to the mountains just yet.

Whether or not you've put pen to paper in years or fancy yourself the next Agatha Christie, Nick Earls or J. K. Rowling, there's a workshop or writers' support group for you.

If there isn't, then start one yourself, says Nancy Cox-Milliner, who formed Writers of Seville more than 10 years ago.

``There was a real need for groups running on the weekend,'' she says. ``People who work during the week don't want to meet at night because that's their writing time.''

Now several writers' groups meet across Queensland at weekends. Most are open to all writers, while some cater to those who dabble in genres such as crime, romance or poetry.

Brisbane fantasy writer Marianne de Pierres co-formed Vision Writers more than 15 years ago. Open to writers of fantasy, sci-fi and speculative fiction, de Pierres says the group's ranks constantly replenish.

``People find it so exhilarating to know there are other people out there interested in the same thing they are,'' she says.

For Sarah Gory of Queensland Writers' Centre, a group's main benefit is fostering a sense of community and support.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Column: 'Have your say' for The Courier Mail's Village Green

I wrote this earlier in the year, but it's funny, it seems all the more fitting that it was published now.

Anna Angel, Clayfield

AMONG the few early childhood memories I can recall is a family trip to Melbourne. As a kid from Nambour, the number of people shoving their way through the city centre floored me. On every intersection there were figures standing among the commotion, calling out. Mum seemed to be the only one who stopped. When I asked why nobody else saw them, she said it was because a lot of people aren't very nice. That's certainly turned out to be true. I just wish I didn't turn out to be one of them.

We're all guilty of compassion fatigue. This year especially, SES volunteers would have it something chronic, and a devastating sequence of natural disasters has stretched most of our donation budgets. We've all crossed the road to avoid someone wielding a clipboard, lest it's another damn charity. One thing we're supposed to be very good at as adults is being practical. We don't give away all our time or possessions and we no longer don a cape and try to fly (not often, anyway). But if you asked the five-year-old version of yourself whether they like who you've become, you're probably not going to like the answer.

Even if you're a pretty decent sort, we as ``grown-ups'' are boring, we make compromises and we can be awfully mean. I barely qualify as an adult in most cultures and I've already upset mini-me. I stared blankly past a homeless woman who asked politely for some change last week, because it was easier than meeting her eye. A handful of Hollywood movies centre on the premise of rediscovering your younger self but not many make for bearable viewing. It is interesting, though, to consider how differently we'd react at a crossroad if mature concerns such as money and duty didn't drive us. If you think your life would be much the same, congratulations.

In a year that's been as disaster-ridden as this one, there has never been a better time to step back and view the world through eyes that haven't yet learnt not to see. We can't regress to a naive mindset and damn the consequences, even if we want to. But we can promise our younger selves to do small things daily to please them, or to consider them in life's big decisions. And when the time comes for me to have kids of my own, I hope they'll forgive me for being such a bloody grown-up.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Column: 'The Chivalry Code - he says she says' for Biscuit Magazine

For the August issue of Biscuit Magazine, which you can read the lovely pages of here. This will be a regular feature that should be a lot of fun!

Chivalry committed suicide in an existential crisis a few years before the turn of the century. He couldn’t stop thinking back to the days he was respected among men and valued by women, wondering what his place was in this brave new world. He is survived by generations of men, unsure of how to navigate the courting phase of a relationship without him as a guide. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Interview: Dane Beesley for Tom Magazine

Read online here.

Splitting The Seconds.

Dane Beesley, the fly on the wall of Brisbane’s music scene, takes a break from preparing for the launch of his first photographic book - a scrapbook of the last decade in music - to chat to Anna Angel. It’s shaping up to be quite a party, with some of the rockers who feature in Beesley’s work heading along to help him celebrate and drink the booze. And why wouldn’t they? ‘Splitting the Seconds: a Photographer’s Journal’ catalogues not just Beesley’s own work, but the evolution of Brisbane’s culture as captured through his lens.

"It’s always been my dream to have a book, even when I was in college," Beesley says.

"I started in the film days keeping track of the exposures, writing notes to go with the photos, and just kept it going."

Scribbled notes and micro interviews on bar coasters compliment a retrospective of Beesley’s shots from the past decade, including the likes of Grinderman, The Lemonheads, Beyonce and Metallica.

"It’s pretty personal, but it’s also a really good time for Brisbane - there’s a lot of bands that I’ve worked with like The Grates, Powderfinger, and more recently Hungry Kids of Hungary, that it’s been great watching grow into international acts."

Having shot for street press and magazines like Rolling Stone, Beesley has become a part of the landscape, and now counts a handful of the artists he has worked with as close friends.

"I’m lucky to have made some really great friends but it’s hard having to charge for my jobs when it’s a friend’s band," he says. "It usually just ends up that they’ll buy me a carton of beer."

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Feature: 'Til It's Gone' - Biscuit Magazine

For issue 10, read online.

Another glossy silver sticker and a tally mark on the back jacket; I was in the lead. ‘Bucket lists’ of things to do, see or taste in your lifetime are meant as more of a guide than a red flag to a wasted life. When my partner and I discovered 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die in 2008 we took the challenge to heart. That holiday we read our way through scores of classics, marking them with colour-coded stickers. The phase eventually passed, but a few weeks ago I rediscovered the list. I can’t recall ever reading Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, but there it was – my trademark silver dot beside the title. It seems I was so concerned with adding notches to my bookcase that I didn’t even make time to enjoy the conquest. Certainly, people are capable of extraordinary feats and insights when faced with their own mortality, but (sorry, Tolstoy) I don’t think skimming over War and Peace counts among them.

Terminally-ill fifteen-year-old Alice Pyne saw an outpouring of support when she posted her ‘bucket list’ online last month. Her blog gained media attention almost overnight, and already thousands of dollars have been donated to charities on her behalf, and businesses have stepped up to help fulfil her wishes. The UK teenager recognizes some of her goals (such as travelling to Kenya) will never be achieved, but the simplicity of most of her dreams is positively moving. Simple things many would take for granted, or even bemoan, are for her a source of hope and fulfilment. Sure, we think it would be nice to have a family portrait taken, to go whale watching, or perhaps stay in a caravan, but life always seems to get in the way. Until, of course, it doesn’t. Alice’s story seems to have struck a chord because she’s realised so young something it takes most of us a lifetime to learn.

While our neighbours in Christchurch are facing one disaster after another, Japan is struggling to come to terms with their biggest catastrophe since the Hiroshima bombings, four months after the first tremors hit. When the survivors are finally able to rebuild their lives, many will choose radically different foundations. Around a quarter of disaster victims experience what’s known as post-traumatic growth – positive changes following adversity. This isn’t to say their suffering is lessened, but that they foster a renewed sense of purpose, spirituality and a greater appreciation of their life and relationships. Perhaps this explains CNN reports that the number of people seeking partnership and marriage in Japan has dramatically increased since the March 11 disasters, creating a sharp spike in sales of engagement and wedding rings. Bride-to-be Maki Maruta was quoted as saying “the disasters reminded me the importance of family. It’s so important to have someone who is precious to you.”

UK researcher Laura Blackie recently conducted a study where she asked participants to reflect on their own death and monitored their behaviours. She concluded in Psychological Science that thoughts of mortality, “can be one of the best gifts we have in life, motivating us to embrace life and embrace goals that are important to us”. But often when we’re isolated from disaster, it’s easy for that inspiration to disappear as quickly as the channel is changed to Bargain Hunt repeats.

In the process of writing this article I almost lost my Grandma who, up until that point, hadn’t been on speaking terms with most of my immediate family for reasons I still struggle to comprehend. Differences were put aside on the hospital bed, but now she’s been given the clear bill of health the hostility rages on. While the scare seemed to shake them into a temporary realisation that life is much too short to hold grudges, they’ve been given more time and so, more time to be stubborn. Perhaps it is this same logic that sees many of us put off our biggest aspirations day after day, assuming we always have tomorrow. But if you didn’t, what would you have done differently today?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Feature: 'Go for it!' for The Courier-Mail

Published June 10.
Doing improvisation makes you get up, have fun and be in the moment, radio journalist Natalie Bochenski, 30, of Spring Hill, tells Anna Angel.
I DID ballet and dance as a young girl. When I was a teenager that progressed into theatre and I've been involved with impro since the late '90s.
Acting and theatre is my hobby. I'm a journalist by trade and a lot of the time I do straight politics.
You'd be surprised at how much cross-over there is. I won't be at Parliament and bust out some improvised sketch, but I can be at impro and throw in a political joke.
While I still do a lot of scripted theatre, impro is a wonderful outlet. You're tapping into the imagination we all had as kids, but we're told as adults we're not allowed to have any more because we have to be sensible.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feature: 'Attack of the superhero' for The Courier-Mail

8 June 2011
There's something about men in tights, writes Anna Angel.
GREEN Lantern Corps, the intergalactic police squad, fights some of the universe's nastiest villains, but will struggle to topple Marvel's heroes at the box office.
DC's much-loved comic series Green Lantern opens on June 17 in a live-action, 3-D adaptation starring Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.
The timing lands it in a battle for movie-goers' dollars with Marvel's mutant prequel X-Men: First Class, which has been called the thinking man's superhero movie, and Captain America's live-action debut on July 28.
It's also fresh on the heels of Marvel's portrayal of Thor, god of thunder, which won over the fans despite being labelled a ``Shakespearean epic for nerds''.
The marketing team behind Green Lantern, which centres on a test pilot bestowed with a mystical green ring and responsibility for keeping universal peace, have all claws out. Two trailers for the Warner Bros production have gone viral.
With the third Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, and Avengers set for release next year, comic fans can expect this standoff to get even bloodier.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Feature: 'Roll up in your soles' for The Courier Mail

Written for The Courier-Mail's Friday liftout, CM2. Also published online.

Barefoot bowls is a perfect way to have a good time with your mates, so kick off your shoes and have a go at this game of concentration and technique, writes Anna Angel
IF THERE'S a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with a few drinks in the sun, and some friendly competition between mates, I'd like to hear about it.
Barefoot bowls, lawn bowls' younger and less uptight cousin, is winning over Queenslanders young and old.
In a successful bid to breathe new life into the sport, bowls clubs across the state have kicked off their shoes - literally - and shaken off a stigma of the game known as ``old man's marbles''.
Brisbane clubs have been bowled over by how popular their combination of cheap food, drinks and entertainment is with those in their teens through to late 40s.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Inteview: The Vines for Tom Magazine

For TOM Magazine. Published June 1.

Aussie rockers The Vines return with their long-awaited fifth record ‘Future Primitive’. Frontman Craig Nicholls and bassist Brad Heald sat down with Anna Angel and dished their Splendour in the Grass must-sees and tips for living the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle.

Future Primitive 
is the band’s first release since 2008, but delays are due more to a change of record company than a change of direction. "I wanted to get it out end of last year, but we were still getting it all wrapped up," Nicholls says. "It’s all right to wait that extra bit of time, to make sure everything’s right for when it does come out."

Fans can expect a classic Vines vibe from their latest offering, somewhere between psychedelic ‘60s rock and ‘90s garage. "I’m not for believing that every album has to be completely different," Nicholls says, spinning his cigarettes on the table. "It’s just kind of rock music, with a bit of a different flavour."

Monday, May 30, 2011

Feature: 'Girl power on screen' for The Courier-Mail

30 May 2011

Big-screen comedy Bridesmaids has been praised for avoiding stereotypes, writes Anna Angel
WOMEN in comedy, with the exception of all-rounder Tina Fey, seem to be always the bridesmaid, never the belly-laugh inducing brides.
Finally, a raunchy wedding comedy from producer Judd Apatow is proving there's more than one smart, funny woman on the big screen.
Bridesmaids has all the trappings and toilet humour of Apatow films such as Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin but is written and led by women.
Co-writer Kristen Wiig, of Saturday Night Live fame, stars as Annie, an out-of-luck maid of honour navigating her best friend's wedding with a crew of kooky bridesmaids, including Australia's Rose Byrne.
Critics have praised the film for its genuine depiction of female friendships in a genre content to simply pit a loveable sap against a maniacal bridezilla and call it a day.
The ``chick-flick for dudes'' smashed box-office expectations during its opening weekend in the US, suggesting audiences are ready to toss the pallid bouquet of bridal rom-coms usually on offer.
Opening on June 16 across Australia, Bridesmaids just might dethrone the royals for wedding of the year.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Feature: 'Go for it!' for The Courier-Mail

27 May 2011
Taking up roller derby and adopting the fishnet-clad alter ego of Dan Sin Queen turned 39-year-old Herston-based web content producer 's life around, she tells Anna Angel
I WENT to my first game with my job, to write about it. I thought it was bizarre, like wrestling.
The only idea I had of it was from the '70s. I came home thinking, ``It's the best thing in the world, I want to do that!''
I started talking to one of the girls from Northern Brisbane Rollers on Twitter and she suggested I try out.
I was full of excuses. I said, ``I have a full-time job and two kids.'' She said, ``So do I.''
I thought I was too old. When I told her I was 38, she said, ``So am I. What else have you got?''
When the next tryout for ``fresh meat'' came around in July last year there were no excuses left.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Feature: 'Hands on a touchy subject' for The Courier Mail

Written on my placement in Courier-Mail features. I adore arts writing, so I'm thrilled I got to do this piece.

16 May 2011

An innovative show shines light on child neglect, writes Anna Angel

PUPPETRY is seen as child's play for some; a comic device for others. For Halcyon Macleod, writer and director of Africa, a troubling tale of child neglect and joyous idealism in suburban Australia, it is so much more.

Playing Brisbane's Powerhouse from May 18, Africa is neither theatre for young people nor a puppet show, but a whimsical and emotional production for adults, conveying the strength of human will and the power of the imagination.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Review: 'Kosciuszko' by Jedediah for Tom Magazine

Album of the week for TOM Magazine.

Kosciuszko (Dew Process/ Universal)
Aussie rocker Kevin Mitchell is back to his Jebediah roots after a few years’ stint as soloist Bob Evans and member of supergroup Basement Birds, alongside the likes of Josh Pyke and Eskimo Joe’s Kavyen Temperley. Jebediah have been announced to play this year’s Splendour in the Grass festival, and it’s this, their fourth studio album, that’ll be taking the forefront alongside their career hits.

There’s much more on offer here than hit lead single ‘She’s Like a Comet’. It’s a solid return, featuring a number of strong tracks across a wide breath of style; from the quiet pop-rock of closer ‘Are We OK?’ to the effective rock hooks of ‘To Your Door’ and ‘Under Your Bed’. It’s not their best release to date, but 
Kosciuszko is, as the title would suggest, a distinctly Australian and likeable release, sure to please fans.
(Anna Angel) 

Review: 'The Great Impression' by Sparkadia for Tom Magazine

Whoops, missed this one going up on TOM Magazine.


The Great Impression (Ivy League
Australian alternative-pop outfit Sparkadia return to deliver a second release, well, one of the band members does. Alex Burnett does brilliantly on his own, with the help of a handful of contributors and one trip to Mother Britannica. The record’s first single, ‘Talking Like I’m Falling Downstairs’ has been on Triple J high rotation since late last year, with freshly released ‘China’ also scoring its fair share of airplay. Both are fine examples of tender indie-pop  -  all soaring choruses, desolation and ironically upbeat choruses. The other tracks that make up the bulk of the record do not disappoint. 
The Great Impression is haunting and expertly constructed, with deliberate peaks and troughs. It opens strongly with the simply effective title track, quickly covering the lead tracks and keeping on a high with ‘Love Less Love’. Other highlights are the gently building power of ‘I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish’ and the drawn-out concluding ‘Fade From View’. It’s a strong release that proves a change of band structure, a change of location, or a change of heart can do more good than harm. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Column: 'Have your say' for The Courier Mail's Village Green

Published in The Courier-Mail, May 14, pg. 71.  Written during my placement there in April. I am in the middle of a placement in the features department, so will hopefully have more to show from that, too.

Have your say - Anna Angel, Clayfield
IT mightn't be as bloody as the Roman's, but the digital era has its gladiator-style battles.
The speed of your laptop's processor goes up against the strength of your opponent's Wi-Fi connection.

Monday, April 11, 2011

News: 'No gravity, no trouble for beer bubbles' for The Courier-Mail

This is a story that first appeared on The Courier-Mail website, then in the app edition. It can be viewed here. A shortened version also appeared in the print edition, April 8.

No gravity, no trouble for beer bubbles

By Anna Angel

IT might not be long before beer connoisseurs can sip a pint in space, but you probably wouldn't be able to keep it down, or even want to. 
A special blend of 4-Pines Brewery's 'space beer' flowed freely at Queensland University of Technology's zero-gravity research facility yesterday, in a trial of the beverage's behaviour in the low gravity of space.

The lab's director Professor Ted Steinberg said the project, which began in October last year, focuses on tweaking the brew's carbonation levels for safe consumption in space.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Interview: Shane Nicholson for Tom Magazine

For TOM Magazine.

Building Bad Machines.

Shane Nicholson is the kind of dad who might carry a crumpled family portrait in his wallet. He’s bursting with cute anecdotes (have you heard the one about the five year-old leading a crowd of 15,000 in an a cappella rendition of ‘Eye of the Tiger’?) and about to embark on a family road-trip when he sits down to chat with Anna Angel. He and his self-professed "travelling circus", which includes wife and Australian country music darling Kasey Chambers, are touring the country following the release of his forth solo record, Bad Machines. He insists it’s going to be "a bit like a holiday", at least in comparison to the six weeks he’s spent away from his brood promoting the album.

"I’m sitting chilling right now, this is as relaxing as it gets," he says, stretching further out on the couch, when the quaint notion of down-time is raised. In fact, he can’t wait to hit the road again. He’ll be co-headlining an extensive regional tour with Chambers, who released Little Bird late last year.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

News: 'Real 'service' station keeps paying the Bill' for The Courier-Mail

First day on the job (okay, internship) at The Courier-Mail. Found in the paper on April 5.

Real 'service' station keeps paying the Bill

 Anna Angel
5 April 2011
The Courier-Mail

NUNDAH'S Buckland Auto Service doesn't sell bread or milk, but more than 50 years of old-fashioned service has kept the customers coming back.

Owner Bill Russell and his wife Marilyn have survived offering more than just fuel - they take the time to personally look after each customer - giving something the large service stations no longer provide.

The pair offer full driveway service - filling up motorists' tanks, pumping tyres and greeting each one with a smile and a bit of a chat through the car window.

Mr Russell said it was a simple but rare level of service that keeps their business afloat.

``If you keep them happy they will come back,'' he said.

He said he would be giving the fuel away for free if he tried to compete in the service station price wars.

Instead, as a skilled mechanic, he is able to to provide quality car care and much more than customer fuel vouchers.

``If you've got a little problem with your car, and it's just somebody behind a counter, they're not going to get off their bum to help anyone,'' he said.

He said motoring enthusiasts trust him with their classic vehicles because ``younger mechanics have no idea what to do with them''.

Mr Russell said while many smaller service stations had struggled to compete, the Nundah garage has been in business since 1956 and showed no sign of slowing.

``We make a living, we look after them and they're all happy," he said.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Updates and inspirations: The Courier-Mail

Tomorrow morning I begin a week on The Courier-Mail newsfloor. I'm excited to go back and give it my all, and very excited to be interning in their features department in May.

Feature: 'Now you see it...' for Style Magazine

Here's a few pics from my work in Style Magazine's March  Brisbane and Gold Coast issues. Most of what I did didn't get a (or my) byline, but I thought I'd post a sample of them anyway. It was a really fun office! I'd love to go back again. You can read the issues online here.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Updates and inspirations: Style Magazines

I'm smack bang in the middle of two part weeks at Style Magazines in Brisbane and I am having a ball. I've been keeping busy with small writing tasks and everyone is absolutely lovely. I'll post PDFs of anything that makes the magazine later on, but right now I'm just happy for the affirmation of how much I love working in this industry.

Feature: 'Paper cut' for Biscuit Magazine

I wrote an article on how the digital era will change book design for the better for Brisbane e-zine Biscuit's Issue 5. Click to expand.

Read online here.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

News: 'Queensland flood disaster' for Frock Paper Scissors

I want to do so much to help my city out during this horrible time, and have donated all my small budget will allow, and have registered for the clean-up effort, but felt a bit futile. I thought I'd use every outlet available to me to help spread the word about what Brisbane locals can do to help. As I'm still technically online editor of Frock Paper Scissors, that's certainly the best one I've got!

Queensland flood disaster – what you can do to help

Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by the devastating floods throughout Brisbane and Ipswich. It will take many hands to bring our heart-broken city back to life and many years for a number of families to get their lives’ back on track. However, Queenslanders are a resilient bunch, and we can make it through this tragedy if we band together.

There are so many things you can do to help the recovery effort if you can’t donate to the Queensland Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal, from cleaning up your neighbouring suburb, to giving up your couch or clothes. Hell, you can even buy more clothes for yourself and still be digging deep! Sophie Hill is auctioning off her wares at That Vintage with all profits going to the Flood Relief Appeal, and all Jeanswest stores nationwide will be donating their profits from Saturday January 15, as well.

Review: 'Think of England' by The Honey Pies for Rave Magazine

THE HONEY PIES – Think Of England

Quintessential Britpop care of Adelaide

Adelaide rock-pop outfit The Honey Pies seem to have done more than just think of England during the making of their debut record; the commemorative Wills and Kate royal wedding glossies could have been their muse. Their style is so heavily influenced by classic Britpop (lo-fi and slightly psychedelic for bonus vintage desirability) that it’s hard to catch any hint of a ‘Strine’ accent within their harmonies. Opener Sex Wax is an up-tempo warm-up for tracks like Don’t Mention the War. The latter is a brilliantly oldschool anthem that sports riffs galore whilst having some bi-lingual fun. They come out blazing on short punk number DQYDJB, but their lighter side – highlights are Fool In Love and Aztek – is wonderfully sweet, punctuating a jangling ’60s vibe with modern candour. Think Of England is a delightful series of well-written (if not entirely original) salutes to Britannia, for both her yellowing pop ditties and contemporary exports like Arctic Monkeys.

Read online here, or in the latest Rave Magazine, issue 973.