Saturday, January 15, 2011

News: 'Queensland flood disaster' for Frock Paper Scissors

I want to do so much to help my city out during this horrible time, and have donated all my small budget will allow, and have registered for the clean-up effort, but felt a bit futile. I thought I'd use every outlet available to me to help spread the word about what Brisbane locals can do to help. As I'm still technically online editor of Frock Paper Scissors, that's certainly the best one I've got!

Queensland flood disaster – what you can do to help

Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by the devastating floods throughout Brisbane and Ipswich. It will take many hands to bring our heart-broken city back to life and many years for a number of families to get their lives’ back on track. However, Queenslanders are a resilient bunch, and we can make it through this tragedy if we band together.

There are so many things you can do to help the recovery effort if you can’t donate to the Queensland Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal, from cleaning up your neighbouring suburb, to giving up your couch or clothes. Hell, you can even buy more clothes for yourself and still be digging deep! Sophie Hill is auctioning off her wares at That Vintage with all profits going to the Flood Relief Appeal, and all Jeanswest stores nationwide will be donating their profits from Saturday January 15, as well.

Review: 'Think of England' by The Honey Pies for Rave Magazine

THE HONEY PIES – Think Of England

Quintessential Britpop care of Adelaide

Adelaide rock-pop outfit The Honey Pies seem to have done more than just think of England during the making of their debut record; the commemorative Wills and Kate royal wedding glossies could have been their muse. Their style is so heavily influenced by classic Britpop (lo-fi and slightly psychedelic for bonus vintage desirability) that it’s hard to catch any hint of a ‘Strine’ accent within their harmonies. Opener Sex Wax is an up-tempo warm-up for tracks like Don’t Mention the War. The latter is a brilliantly oldschool anthem that sports riffs galore whilst having some bi-lingual fun. They come out blazing on short punk number DQYDJB, but their lighter side – highlights are Fool In Love and Aztek – is wonderfully sweet, punctuating a jangling ’60s vibe with modern candour. Think Of England is a delightful series of well-written (if not entirely original) salutes to Britannia, for both her yellowing pop ditties and contemporary exports like Arctic Monkeys.

Read online here, or in the latest Rave Magazine, issue 973.